Wow it's been three years since my last post! I thought it was time to clear the cobwebs. In the past three years, I've [finally] held a steady job, grown a bit more, started my own business this year, and FINALLY gone back to school. (Well sort of...) My business is an online bakery out of my home, Monique's Panegerie, which allows me to pursue my passion for all things baked! (It's especially fun when I get to decorate a cake!) So check it out!

As for going back to school, I am taking some Wilton Cake decorating classes. I also signed up for a cake decorating class offered by University of Richmond. (I received money for classes for my birthday back in February and I finally was able to use it.) Considering that the U of R class is way more expensive, I am contemplating just going the Wilton route. (I go to the U of R class this week and next week, so I'll tell you how it turns out.) Anyway, time for me to head out! 'Til then, please take a look at some of the things I've learned in class!

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.                                   
-Philippians 2:4

As the days go on, I am finding out everyday new things about myself and my marriage. I am learning the true meaning of what it is to truly care about someone other than myself. I am duly and truly blessed to be with the one that God has blessed me with. God Bless.

"Be strong. Take courage. Don't be intimidated. Don't give them a second thought because God , your God, is striding ahead of you. He's right there with you. He won't let you down; he won't leave you." 
  -- (Deuteronomy 31:6 MSG)
I've made up my mind! I've had it with always not feeling up to par or not good enough! I'm tired of always finding something wrong with me! I say no more devil! As Joyce Meyer said in her message on the mind, I'm going to meditate and repeat "God Loves Me" to myself until I know deep in my spirit that He does and that I AM A CHILD OF THE ONE TRUE KING! So as the title says, I am taking this slowly and one day at a time.
Not feeling too happy today. Satan (and myself perversely) has attacked me in one of my deepest cracks/doubts. He has me wondering and doubting my self worth.I know that through this God will shine and make a way and make it better.
Last night I felt that God was showing me my many recent mistakes/sins. Recently, I have been back-tracking, in a way, in some areas of my life. I was shutting down with no rhyme or reason. I wasn't doing what I was supposed to do as a wife, mother, and responsible Christian woman. So I prayed to Him for forgiveness and guidance. 
"Lord, I ask forgiveness and I thank you for your guidance. I ask that you prepare my heart for your work(s). Use me for your purpose. Amen."
So today I ask you what is it that you have been doing recently? Does it honor God or shame him? Today examine yourself for a call to task... (Here's a verse from my nightly devotional by Joyce Meyer: "So let's do it—full of belief, confident that we're presentable inside and out. Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching." -Hebrews 10:22-25 MSG. It also spoke to me even though it's out of context with what I have been reading in Romans.)

Today's Key Verse:
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin." Psalm 51:1-2 NIV

Last night as I was reading my nightly devotional, God spoke to me yet again. Now He's telling me something I always, in some small way,that he loves me; faults and all. I never truly realized nor understood this and so I became "my own worst critic". There was no self-worth in myself as a result of always doubting myself and God. 

In my last post, I had basically told Him that I truly didn't believe that I could do as He asked. I told God "yes" but I really meant "no". You see, somewhere in the recesses of my mind, where cobwebs dwell, several doubts were hovering there--stuck because I let them stay there. Because He knows my heart, He knew this and spoke to me through last night's devotional. The key verse from that time with God was Jeremiah 1:5.

        “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations--that’s what I had in mind for you.”

Today I challenge you to seek Him and accept his love for you, for you are "wonderfully and b
I have come back to my blog after a year. As I read over it, I realize how much I have grown through Him. So as I have changed, so will my blog. Sooo...on with my post:

God has tasked me with something that I am TERRIFIED of. He has challenged me to pull one of His lost daughters back to his arms. Over the last couple of days, He has shown himself to me. Giving me instructions, two of which are from yesterday's sermon and my nightly devotion. 

I feel comforted by his direction but I have much apprehension that still remains I will pray that He continues to guide me through my uncertainty, fear and doubt. I will be obedient and do what it is that he has tasked me to do. 

Today's Verse:

"I can do all things through CHRIST who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13

"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully." -Romans 12:6-8
Well hello again! I know it's been AGES since my last post so here it is. Things have gotten better since then and I am wiser. I've realized that I am a selfish person...more so than the average person is. Everyday I am learning more and more about how selfish I was and changing that aspect of myself; learning to put others first.

Secondly, back in January I started writing a book with the Agile Writers Workshop. It's supposed to help me have a viable manuscript within one year. The only problem is that I have no sense of discipline, drive/motivation, and am a "professional procrastinator". I have yet to finish the plot overview so that I can move onto the next stage. At this point what I really want to do is run away. You see, I started this book back in high school, inspired by this crazy vivid dream and I have yet to finish it. It seems I never follow through or finish anything in my life. So this was a way to finally finish and accomplish SOMETHING. But I am having a hard time driving myself to do so. I mean the deadline was yesterday and I haven't even done anything in weeks. I let other circumstances in life steer me away from it, and let them take over me until the day before the weekly meeting with nothing to show. Am I a coward? Well I'm signing off...until next time....
Well hello again! I know it's been a couple weeks since my last post but hey, at least I'm getting better and more frequent! Anyway, the kids started school and things were good...for the first three days. Andrew decided that he wasn't having it and thought up the great idea that it was OK to hit, kick, and spit at his teachers & classmates. Eventually they gave in and sent him home. I mean seriously?! I had it in WRITING from the psychologist that he was to STAY AT SCHOOL! Oh well now that he has an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and is in a smaller separate class, things will get better. (I hope!) Travis is doing AWESOME now that his brother isn't in the same classroom as he is. When Michael took a picture of him in his cute lil backpack grinning from ear to ear, I almost cried! My little baby is going to school, doing well, and loving it! He's growing up so fast!

My "love" of chores has improved. Meaning that thanks to my wonderful mom-in-law, we devised a schedule that broke up my chores throughout the week. It's working so far...as long as I stick to it lol. (I have difficulties with that.... Shhh! Don't tell my husband but I'm such an air-head sometimes! If this got out, I'd NEVER live it down or hear the end of it!)

October is almost here and do you know what that means? VACATION TIME! Yep, you heard it! My WONDERFUL, AWESOME, FANTASTIC mom-in-law gifted us with a 4-day cruise to the Bahamas. Yes again, you heard/read correctly! I am sooo syked and can't wait at all. I'll be gone for one whole week and it will be awesome! (Now if I can just gain some self control and loose 15 lbs before the cruise I'll be all set!) Well it's time for me to go shopping for a Hawaiian/tropical flower dress for me to wear on this wonderful cruise! Until then, this chica is signing off! (My brain might've already gone on vacation lol.)
OK so yeah it's been ages since my last post...so sue me! (Well don't because I can't afford to pay you...unless you want payment in dust bunnies and pocket lint!!) Life has been busy but the one thing that hasn't changed, and is highly probably that it never ever will, is that I HATE chores. Today, as usual, is Thursday...AKA cleaning day. It rolls around every week and with my poor motivational cleaning skills during the week prior, I've wracked up quite a lot of mess & dirt. *Sigh*. If only I had the "Easy button"...then all I'd have to do is press it and all my chores would be done, we would be very well off, and all our problems would be gone like Debbie's chicken salad. Oh well...life goes on!

My boys start Head Start this year and I am ECSTATIC! Albeit, they were supposed to start yesterday. Apparently, the program (which is free & government funded) is having a hard time finding and keeping a teacher there this year. The teacher from last year has moved up in the world and is now teaching 5th graders. (Congratulations Mrs. Teacher!) Now we all must pray that they can find one.

Next order of business is finding a car. Now that the boys will be gone for six hours per weekday, I'll have the opportunity to work. Provided we find transportation. My wonderful in-laws have stretched themselves to allow us to borrow one of their cars until their vacation in September. After that....MAY THE LORD HELP US! Until then, I'll just have to find something to do. Maybe work from home? Though it would be preferable to LEAVE the house for work. Being stuck here everyday, all day is maddening!

Now enter the wonder of this past week. Virginia was hit by a 5.9 earthquake and has been rockin' & rollin' ever since. I swear, every time an aftershock hits, I'm startled into a heart attack! (My husband thinks it's just silly...darn his nerves of steel!) I pray for those who lost homes but PRAISE THE LORD no one was hurt! Hopefully these tremors will stop so my heart can stop jumping out of my chest, every time I'm shakin' in my flip flops; along with my skittish-ness. Well time for this blogger to sign off! Until next time my pretties!